Frequently Asked Questions

How do I take Simple Strips?

Place one oral strip on your tongue and allow it to dissolve. Take one delicious oral strip anytime, up to a maximum of 1 strip a day.

Are Simple Strips approved by health departments?

All Simple Strips products are registered and approve by the FDA and extensively tested by third party labs. Certificates of analysis can be found HERE

What is the difference between Simple Strips and pills/powders

Simple Strips are clinically proven to be absorbed faster and more efficiently when compared to pills and powders. Simple Strips can easily taken on the go and be used anywhere without the need for water.

How long do strips take to work?

our strips are carefully embedded with nutrients that can be absorbed directly into your mouth, skipping digestion time in your stomach. Tissues in the mouth absorb absorb up to 90% of nutrients they come in contact with.

  • NATURAL Ingredients

    Packed with a blend of carefully selected natural ingredients, nourish your body with essential nutrients, supporting your overall health and vitality. Embrace the benefits of nature's goodness and revitalize your life with our all-natural formula.

  • FAST Results

    Experience rapid results with our cutting-edge formula. Empowering you to achieve your health goals with unmatched speed and efficiency. Don't wait any longer; take the leap towards a healthier, more vibrant you today!

  • Great TASTE

    Mango-Orange, Raspberry, and Cranberry. Elevate your journey to better health with a burst of deliciousness, making each intake an enjoyable and refreshing treat. Try all the flavours and savour the taste while reaping the benefits of our fast-acting, natural health-boosting strips!


Perfectly sized and dosed simple strips work like magic! just place one strip on your tongue and it dissolves rapidly without the need for water. Simple Strips are the fastest and least invasive method of taking supplements.


Packages come with 30 individual strips that are ready to be taken on the go!

Clinically Tested

All Simple Strip products have been regrisly tested by in-house and third party labs. Simple Strips are also approved by The Food and Health Department (FDA) and Health Canada. Our test results and certifications can be found on the Learn More

  • Energy Strips

    The energy strips help me so much. Whenever I feel tired I just have one and am totally reenergized!

    - Craig M.

  • Total Boost!

    I got the energy strips and love them! I no longer need to have energy drinks early in the morning and crash afterwards. The strips are so easy to take.

    - Patrick B.

  • No Hangovers

    The hangover strips are a life saver! I have one every time before I drink now and never get hungover! I can now go out on the weekend and not feel bad when going to work.

    - Cindy R.

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